Tag Archive: #meanttobe

7 Things I learned hard way about Post Divorce

Divorce can be happy, sad, your choice or your partners choice but one thing for sure is; it is and would always be hard.

Patiently bidding time!

O dear thee All day long I love to wait To hear from you Thou i am an impatient person But it keeps me indulged In thoughts of you I keep waiting all… Continue reading


The art of living is in patience. Patience to wait for the right time. Patience to accept the differences. Patience to accept the injustice. Yet not giving up on your dreams. Because whats… Continue reading

A Journey Worth Million dollar

London is a place full of dreams, but loneliness and toxic relationship with work put him in chaos like wildfire. Missing a single train that day made him feelĀ  lost in the city… Continue reading